Men’s Acting Headshots in Orlando Florida

Acting headshots for men in Florida can vary in type and requirement from actor to actor. We do three types of acting headshots for men in our Orlando studio:

  • Film Actor Headshots

  • Theater Headshots

  • Commercial Actor Headshots.

The majority of work in the central and south Florida regions is for commercials.

In fact, did you know that Florida is the third largest commercial industry in the United States?

If you are hoping to have more consistent income and opportunities while you’re enjoying the Florida life, you need a variety of headshots to provide your agency with, and especially for commercial opportunities.

Having a great commercial headshot in Florida is crucial!

When planning your looks, make sure to include an outfit that is friendly, approachable, and appropriate for our commercial market in Florida.

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Men’s Film and TV Actor Headshots

Even though many of the auditions and jobs available in Florida for actors are for commercials, there are many movies that are also filmed here, and for the TV market, Atlanta is a short half day drive away, and often included in an Actor’s range of possibilities for auditions.

Film and TV Drama Acting Headshots in Orlando

  • Headshots need to be more type-specific.

    • If, for instance, you would like to try for a role as a rugged detective, you wouldn’t want to submit a headshot that feels like a BBQ dad, or comedic role. The best combination for acting headshots for film and tv are: The perfect outfit (what would your character wear on the show?), the right lighting for the type of character, and a background that is either simple/plain, or one that has a touch of interest as if you are on set.

  • A variety of looks that align with your skillset and range as an actor is a must.

    • To have a good chance at landing an audition or call-back, make sure your looks coincides with the role. Going for a role in a medical TV show? Wear scrubs! Your looks should give a strong hit of the character — without being too on-the-nose, unless your agency asks for it.

  • Backgrounds for these types of acting headshots for men will be neutral, simple, and often environmental. We want the casting directors to be able to envision you “on set” in this role. Backgrounds have a significant impact on how your headshots are received.

Examples of Effective Film and TV Drama Acting Headshots for Men

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Dramatic acting headshot for film
TV drama actor headshot examples

Men’s Commercial Acting Headshots

Many actors, of all ages, in Florida get booked regularly for commercial work. Getting in front of clients and casting directors require not only a reputable acting agency, but also commercial headshots that clearly communicate your ability to perform these roles well.

What Are Commercial Acting Headshots in Orlando?

  • Commercial headshots for actors don’t always need to be as type-specific as roles for TV or film (but can benefit from a hint of certain roles).

    • Commercials tend to need actors that are upbeat, friendly, approachable, and bright. A general headshot that has this look is nearly always appropriate for getting your foot in the door in this market. However, sometimes you may want to specify your look if you know you’ll be auditioning for a specific type of commercial role.

  • Your outfit needs to feel very friendly for commercial headshots.

    • Keep things neutral or plaid for that guy-next-door look. Denim works great, simple colors, T-shirts, and flannel all work well for this look. What does an everyday type of guy wear? Go with that! Just avoid pastels and really bright colors.

  • Backgrounds for these types of acting headshots for men will be neutral, simple, and often bright environmental. We want the casting directors to be able to envision you “on set” in this role. Backgrounds have a significant impact on how your headshots are received.

examples of commercial headshots for acting

Examples of Effective Commercial Acting Headshots for Men

best headshot photographer for actors in central florida

Not sure which type of actor headshot is right for you?

Talk with your agency to see which roles they feel match your potential and experience best.

If you audition for TV and film in the Atlanta and Los Angeles regions, you should choose a session that allows for at least 2 types to be represented in headshots. Types simply means, character types that you may typically go for. For instance, if you may audition for both the BBQ dad, or the detective, you would want to bring outfits that represent both of those characters and book a 2-look session.

If you are only in Florida and will tend to go for commercial work, a 1 or 2-look session should suffice. Bring two outfits that are friendly and appeal to a commercial market.

If you are in theater, usually a 1-look session is just right. Bring a black shirt or something rich and neutral.

You can choose between 1, 2, 3, or 4 looks for your headshots. The majority of men opt for a 2 or 3-look session, which allows them to submit for TV or film in LA or Atlanta, and also for local commercial work.